Hart's tongue herb

Hart’s Tongue Drink

What is a Hart’s Tongue?

Hart’s Tongue (Phyllitis scolopendrium) is a species of fern also called deer’s tongue, because of the shape of its leaves, which are long and lanceolate. In the wild it is under strict protection.

What does St. Hildegard say about Hart’s Tongue?

“Hart’s -tongue fern is, hot and it is very effective for the liver, lungs, and painful intestines. Therefore, take hart’s tongue fern and boil it in wine. Add pure honey and bring it to boil once again. Then pulverize pepper and twice as much cinnamon, and bring it, with the above-mentioned wine, to boil once again. Strain it through a cloth, so as to make a clear drink. Drink it often, before and after meals. It benefits the liver, purges the lungs, heals aching intestines, and carries away internal decay and mucus. Also, dry the hart’s tongue”.

St. Hildegard’s Hart’-tongue drink mixture contains the following herbs:

Hart’s- tongue leaves- contain polysaccharides, bioflavonoids and tannins that stimulate the immune system.
Cinnamon (Cinnamomum ceylanicum) has a warming effect, used to weaken the secretion of the digestive organs. It has antibacterial and antifungal properties.
Long pepper (Piper longum) – helps with cough, improves digestion, improves blood circulation and helps restore proper hormonal balance.

How to prepare a hart’s tongue drink?

• 12 g of hart’s-tongue herbs
• 40 g of crushed cinnamon stick
• 10 g long pepper
• 200 g of pure honey
• 2 liters of wine

Mixture of the above herbs are available in our online store.

Boil the hart’s-tongue herbs and wine (bring to a boil), cook for 5 minutes. Add honey, boil again for 2 minutes. Add cinnamon and long pepper, bring to the boil again and cook for about 2 minutes. Strain.

As a treatment, in the first week 20 ml 3 times a day after meals, subsequent weeks 20 ml before and 20 ml after meals 3 times a day. The basic treatment lasts 4-6 weeks.

• Strengthens all human internal organs
• Regulates hormonal disorders
• Strengthens the immune system
• Brings relief from allergies, asthma and persistent cough
• Cleanses the body of harmful juices, mucus and internal decay.

Source: Dr. Alfreda Walkowska, “Return to harmony. Health program according to St. Hildegard of Bingen.

harts tongue
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