Fast, Easy, Delicious (FED) Home Made Pasta

Fast, Easy, Delicious (FED) Home Made Pasta

You will be surprised how quickly you can make an amazing pasta from scratch in your own kitchen. The recipe calls for very few ingredients too.
Prep Time 45 minutes


  • 1 pasta roller and cutter machine


  • 500 g light spelt flour + extra for dipping during rolling and dusting cut pasta
  • 5 eggs
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp bertram
  • 1 pinch turmeric


  • Combine all dry ingredients together. Crack the eggs into a standing mixer bowl. Attach the dough hook and blend the yolks with the whites. Add the dried ingredients and mix gradually allowing the dough hook to form a dough ball. As the dough gets thicker reduce the speed to avoid creating a flour cloud around the mixer. The dough might be still sticky, but should be firm. If not, add more flour, on slow speed of course.
    Attach, the pasta roller and cutter to the standing mixer. Tear out piece by piece and roll each one out. Please see the video.
    Once there is a pasta sheet, cut it into smaller pieces. Take each piece and run it through the cutter. Dust with extra flour to prevent sticking. Leave on a clean surface to dry or cook fresh from the cutter.
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